Sunday, March 01, 2009

Countdown 2 Weeks

First of all, I got a package:


Awesome scarf, awesome letter, 1st issue of Askew, and Transformers chocolates. By this I mean that they transformed from foil-wrapped candy to deliciousness in mere seconds.


Oh 'sup Laverite.


Bands literally do rehearse in front of a mirror to perfect movements and staging and jump timing and whatever, so after a particularly aerobic rehearsal a few days ago, Tenten decided that a beer would be the best way to cool down and we took this horrible sweaty picture.


This is guitarist #2's setup. I have no idea what's going on.


Wearing guitarist #1's glasses,


And Tenten's. They said I looked like Superman, so there's the reason for that pose. Except instead of an S there's a unicorn on my shirt.

2 more weeks! And, for other cool reasons, March is going to be craaaaazy and might be removed from, as the kids say, "the hook".


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

also: "Except instead of an S there's a unicorn on my shirt."


Ito said...

Your blog always amuses me and puts a smile on my face.
Thank you Elec


Awesome word verification XD

Anonymous said...

I think that secretly your #2 guitarist has an army of small robots set up, ready to zap anyone in the audience who doesn't listen to youXD;;

Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

Unicorns are more super than S's anyway, so.

Anonymous said...

To be honest I thougt that you look more like Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker XD

Look here:

and here:

..but maybe it's just my imaginaton..

Unknown said...

Hopefully, the "chain" will be left home as well.

Mmmmm... Kirin.

Anonymous said...

Unicorn shirt ftw!

Klisk said...

Guitarist #2's setup:

Line 6 MM4 Modulation - Boss CameraGlare (Boss Chorus CE-3?) - Boutique One-knobber (Phase? Compressor?) - 3-knob something (MXR Distortion III? Analog Delay?) - Boss Blues Driver - Line6 DL4 Delay - Rack control board, probably for a modeling preamp - Morley Bad Horsie.

Actually, all in all it's a pretty compact/small setup. XD I know people who have 40+ pedals at their feet when they play. I used to be one of them. D=

Anonymous said...

*Looks at Guitarist #2's setup and immediately gets a headache* This is why I play bass... >_<;;;

Can't wait to hear more updates from you, Jimi! Good luck and keep up the good work, man! :D

Anonymous said...

Klisk this is not midi fotcontroller, it's some kind of effect looper. Pretty good setup, especially compared to rediculous setup of Gt#1