Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Oh, so I donated blood yesterday so I could figure out my blood type; turns out I'm A type.

Now the Japanese can judge me solely based on that and claim they knew my type all along! :D

I was hoping for X.


Kataomoi said...

I think mine is B+. I forget... Mum is B-, sooo rare. XD Nothing better than being classed and judged by your bodily fluids to make a man feel good, huh?

Warning, some people may barf or spew or something at the previous. However, I am too amused by my own foot-in-mouthery to delete it. Aha.

Unknown said...

I'm a B-....which is supposedly a bad personality isn't it? XD

Bottle said...

Are you going to reveal your type on your Chemical Pictures profile, or leave the mystery intact? :]

zytroop said...

what kind of dude does that mean you are?

~Stan~ said...

Okay I'm exactly... ARh(+) o.o

Kagami said...

Almost two years ago I was in a similiar position^^
I lost too much blood during an OP and so I got to know that I'm 0- type. XDD

Anonymous said...

Mine is AB+. I'm on the both ends of the line... hahahhaa That's why i don't know where am i exactly...