Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I've been made aware that incorrect track listings for our singles are making the rounds, so here are the correct ones:

世界を撃った男 case 1 トカレフ

1. 世界を撃った男テーマ〜Welcome to our chaos
2. My Harlot Broker
3. 笑うピカソ
4. Human Rubbish

世界を撃った男 case 2 ベレッタ

1. 世界を撃った男テーマ〜Artbreaker
2. ベラミー
3. 病む空
4. Memento Mori

Spread the word!


Go said...

ah good. I saw "Memanto Mori" (with he "a") somewhere and was like "nooooo they didn't let jimi proofread these things!?!"